Saturday 20 April 2013

WGS 2013: The Art of DIning - Part 1

This year's World Gourmet Summit was held at Alkaff Mansion. Quiet place with lots of greenery. The good thing about it is the free parking.
The first chef was Chef Sanjeev Kapoor. Chef Sanjeev gave an introduction of Indian cooking and the nuances of Northern, Southern Indian cooking. He mentioned that there are 6 taste in Indian cooking – sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, astringent. He demonstrated to us how to cook:

a) chicken on skewers (indian spices but the plating is influenced by Western influence)

b) Papadum and fish fried

c) Rice pudding with mascarpone cheese

The chicken is marinated in yogurt, ginger garlic paste and marinate for 2 hours. They are then skewered using a lemon grass and grill in the oven. He made a sauce using onions, cloves, cumin and salt, coconut milk and pepper, cinnamon, nuts, yogurt and chicken stock. The nuts will help the yogurt not to split. He added tomatoes but said not to cook too long so that the sauce remain light in colour. The sauce is cooked for 30 mins and strained. The plating is done very simply and attractively.

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