Thursday 18 April 2013

2013 World Gourmet Summit - Fusion Hands-on culinary workshop by Chef William Ledeuil

I attended the Hands On Culinary workshop by Chef William Ledeuil today at Sunrice Academy.  There were 10 of us and some of the participants are from overseas.

We learnt the following:

- Alaskan Crabmeat salad with green mango and red cabbage and pickled ginger with mango tumeric puree.

- Baked salmon skewered with lemongrass and tomato tumeric vinegrette

- Roasted yellow mango with pineapple marmalade

We learned how to make pickled ginger and the mango tumeric puree. The balance of sour and sweet is just nice in this puree. Then we move on to cut the crabmeat and mix with a combination of basil and corriander. Then chef used the rice vinegar cum mirin liquid to marinate the purple cabbage. We moved on to do a tomato tumeric vinegrette. It is refreshing as the sauce for the salmon is just tomatoes, tumeric and lemon grass with white balsamic vinegar. Definitely a healthier choice compared to creamy sauce. The dessert was easy to make and absolutely delicious.

What surprises me is the minimal use of salt, garlic and pepper in his dishes. It relies mainly on herbs and spices. Chef said we need to cook with our eyes and make our food as appetising as it taste.

I made a couple of new friends and had a good time at this hands on session and ended off eating the best things I have cooked.:)
Chef William Ledeuil

"Poor man's caviar"

My creations

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