Tuesday 25 March 2014

Aalsmeer Flower Auction in The Netherlands

Aalsmeer Flower Auction is half an hour’s drive from Amsterdam. 

Aalsmeer in The Netherlands is where millions of flowers from all over the world are traded every day.  The flowers are sorted and graded before being auctioned off. In the old days before technology advancements, the flowers carts are placed on trolleys and are paraded through a track for the buyers to view and bid for the flowers. 

The Auction system works on a Dutch Auction system where it goes from the highest to the lowest bidder. The auctioneer will set the price and bidders will hit the button if they wish to buy the flowers.

Nowadays, little actual flowers are paraded for the auction. Buyers will bid base on pictures and one can bid for the flowers anywhere. There is less logistical requirements in this and flowers can reach buyers in a shorter time.

Good little educational trip for us!

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